- Do you have price matrix for each vendor and item? 您是否专门为每个供货商和物料订立价格乘子?
- Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment? 现在有新鲜大马哈鱼卖吗?
- Do you have enough time to finish the paper? 你有足够的时间写完论文吗?
- Do you have to wear a suit at work? 你们上班得穿西装吗?
- Do you have a bowel movement today? 你今天上过厕所吗?
- What kind of climate do you have? 你们这里属于哪种气候?
- Do you have a job where I can sit down? 你能给我找一个坐着的工作吗?
- Do you have a catalog with the price list? 你们有含价格表的目录么?
- How do you have the brass to say that? 你怎么有脸那么说呢?
- Do you have any fresh fruit today? 今天你们有什么鲜水果?
- Do you have any hope that he'll come? 你想他会来吗?
- Do you have any idea where he lives? 你知道他住在哪里吗?
- Do you have any low- fat yogurt? 你要不要低脂的酸奶?
- Do you have soft contact lens care product? 有没有软性隐型眼镜保养用品?
- Do you want a perm like you have last time? 您要不要?上次一样烫头发?
- Do you have any others for about the same price? 你们有同价的其他的吗?
- OK,what price range do you have in mind? 好的,您想要什么价格范围内的呢?
- Do you have anything on a hither floor? 再上面一层什么空房间吗?
- Do you have any backup if this machine fails? 如果这台机器坏了你有备用的吗?
- Do you have any back-ups in case I cannot be there? 假如我不能来,你们有没有候补人员?